
Fly-Me-To-You &Travel

Top Destinations


Land of Gods,
and certainly Goddesses.
Where the sands are ivory white as the marble temples of ancient heroes; where the sea matches sky in crystalline clear cerulean, as though heaven and earth are infinitely mirrored in one another.

There are many reasons why Greece has been the dream destination of travelers since antiquity; too many for a little post here to do her any kind of justice…
But rest assured, whether you’re here to unwind by adopting that famously blasé, Mediterranean vibe, in amongst unparalleled natural beauty; up for electric nightlife and fascinating culture; or simply keen to discover more about the origins of orgies and wine mixing –
Greece is, and always will be, the classic option.


Jump into Dubai, and discover why it’s known as ‘the City of Gold’
Perhaps it speaks of the Burj Khalifa’s glinting peak; or the shimmering sands it lords over, awaiting exploration by adrenaline-fuelled private tours…
Could it be the polished supercars, the scores of Michelin stars, or the sunset’s glow from the deck of a gently bobbing, luxury yacht? Whatever you decide to experience in this ultimate playground of the elite, just imagine the thrill of doing it all alongside a seductive stunner, or two (…or more!)

As the locals say: ‘a falcon does not capture a falcon’ – only those who soar highest, can expect to experience the very finest Dubai has to offer.
Perhaps that applies to life, too.
Are you ready? The City of Gold awaits!

How does Hexes do luxury travel & FMTY? Well, imagine a world where Indiana Jones was just a little more x-rated…

Hexes works with some of the industry’s most venerable travel agents to help design ‘luxury travel‘ & ‘FMTY‘ experiences that can’t help but thrill and excite. Often, the aforementioned terms are used interchangeably, but owing to our seasoned partners, we can afford to be more precise:


bookings leverage agents’ extensive knowledge and recommendations to send you and your chosen escort(s) to some far-flung dream of a destination.


bookings are, well, what it says on the tin; commissioning our partners’ technical know-how to whisk one (or more) of our bewitching wonders wherever you may be.

Unlock exclusive paradises, or summon a captivating encounter to your very doorstep!

Coming Soon…


What’s more – we are very excited to be working on custom-built, exclusive experiences in the form of ‘Mystery Boxes’. Specially curated scenarios, with devilish attention to detail, are coming soon!

Whichever event you choose, Hexes makes the process as straightforward and discreet as possible. simply submit a request via our comprehensive form below, and our team will scramble to secure your spot with travel brokers and, of course, our gorgeous escorts. Once availabilities and pricing are confirmed, we will immediately pass on the particulars to you via your preferred contact method, and go over any special requests made, or issues at hand.

Then get ready for the magic to happen…


As standard for all 24hr+, and international bookings, we will require a deposit to kick things off in earnest – get in touch via


for assistance with any queries, special requests or ideas.

(Custom/Travel Booking Availability on Weekdays: 11am – Midnight (GMT) & Weekends: 11am – Late (GMT))